Popular Events

The Popular Events API enables search queries of popular events across Active.com’s directory of assets.

Example API Call

curl -XGET http://api.active.com/v2/events/popular?per_page=5&current_page=1&near=solana,ca

Sample Response



Optional string - A string naming a place that can be geocoded. If the near string is not geocodable, returns a failed geocoded error.
Optional string - A location specified as a latitude and longitude separated by a comma.


Optional integer - The current page of results. Defaults to 1.
Optional integer - The number of results to return. Defaults to 10.
Optional string - Matches assets by topic name.
Optional string - The sorting metric to determine popularity. Defaults to ‘Views’.

Other attributes

Besides the parameters listed above, you can use any of the asset attributes as parameters to filter your results. For the value, you can pass a term with some boolean logic (see NOT, AND, and OR below) or a range value (see Ranges below).


cityName=San Diego OR Los Angeles OR Oceanside    

topicName=NOT Running


For fields that have either integer or date values, you can search for a given range.

Limits the results to the given date range specified in the following format: start_date..end_date To search from a particular date forward, leave off the end date. To search until a particular date, leave off the start date. Date format should be in yyyy-mm-dd format.

start_date=2011-01-15..    # search from January 15, 2011 forward

start_date=..2011-01-15    # search up to January 15, 2011

start_date=2011-01-15..2011-01-20    # search from January 15, 2011 until January 20, 2011

regReqMinAge=10..20        # search for the required minimum age between 10 and 20

regReqMinAge=10..          # search for assets with required minimum age 10 or greater

regReqMinAge=..10          # search for assets with required minimum age up to 10


To negate the value of the parameter, precede it with NOT (all uppercase).

topicName=NOT running     # return results that do not have the topic name of Running


To return results that have multiple values, put AND (all uppercase) between the terms.

topicName=running AND triathlon AND cycling     # return results that have running, triathlon, and cycling as a topic name


To return results that have any value, put an OR (all uppercase) between the terms.

topicName=running OR triathlon OR cycling       # return results that have either running, triathlon, and cycling as a topic name